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Neuropathy Program

At Scottsdale Family Acupuncture, we understand how debilitating neuropathy can be. The numbness, tingling, and pain can significantly impact your daily life. Our holistic Neuropathy Treatment Plan combines the wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with scientifically studied supplements to provide a comprehensive solution tailored to your needs.


Understanding Neuropathy
Neuropathy affects the nerves, causing symptoms such as:
Numbness or tingling in the hands and feet
Sharp, burning pain
Muscle weakness
Sensitivity to touch


Our Holistic Approach

Our approach targets the root cause of these symptoms, not just the symptoms themselves.
Traditional Chinese Medicine Patterns:
Liver and Kidney Yin Deficiency
Symptoms: Numbness, tingling, burning sensations, weakness
Explanation: This pattern indicates a depletion of vital substances that nourish your nerves.
Spleen Qi and Blood Deficiency
Symptoms: Muscle weakness, fatigue, cold extremities, poor circulation
Explanation: This pattern reflects an insufficient supply of energy and blood to support healthy nerve function.
Blood Stasis
Symptoms: Sharp pain, fixed pain, dark or purplish discoloration of affected areas
Explanation: This pattern involves poor blood circulation, leading to pain and discoloration.


How We Can Help
Initial Consultation: We start with a thorough evaluation to diagnose your specific TCM pattern and create a personalized treatment plan.
Acupuncture Sessions: Regular acupuncture sessions to stimulate nerve repair and alleviate symptoms. Typically, 1-2 sessions per week for the first 4-6 weeks.
Supplements: Scientifically studied supplements to enhance your treatment.


Healing Timeline
Short-Term Relief: Expect to see improvement in your symptoms within the first 4-6 weeks.
Long-Term Improvement: Continued treatment for 3-6 months will yield significant, lasting results.
Maintenance Plan
Ongoing Support: After the initial treatment phase, we recommend monthly acupuncture sessions and continued herbal support to maintain your nerve health and prevent recurrence.


Why Choose Us?
At Scottsdale Family Acupuncture, we focus on providing practical solutions without overwhelming you with unnecessary details. Our goal is to help you feel better, faster, and maintain your health for the long term. Here’s what you can expect:
Experienced Practitioners: Our team is skilled in TCM and modern supplementation, ensuring you receive the best care.
Holistic Approach: We treat the whole person, addressing the underlying causes of neuropathy.
Personalized Care: Every treatment plan is tailored to your unique needs.

Take the First Step Toward Healing
Don't let neuropathy control your life. Take the first step toward healing with our comprehensive Neuropathy Treatment Plan. Contact us today to schedule your initial consultation and start your journey to better health.

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