For those who have trouble , your nerve system has been on overdrive for so long, it doesn’t know how to slow down. I had this problem for quite a while. It took consistent treatments to finally slow down my nervous system and teach it that it’s okay to relax and not always be alert. Those who have been through traumatic experiences will have to be patient with themselves when starting treatment. We have to prove to your brain and body that you are safe before it will allow itself to fully relax.

What I find missing the most in your healing journey is your time spent in “The Healing Zone”. If you think about your life, it’s busy. Maybe you’re not physically running around doing things all the time, maybe you are but it’s busy with noise. Your phone constantly has texts, calls, emails, and social media begging for your attention. You have friends, family, kids, partners, your job always needing something from you. You hurry and eat. Hurry and shower. Don’t get enough sleep. Find it hard to workout. Let’s face it, your life is full of stuff. You may be taking supplements and eating somewhat healthy but you’re still not feeling your best. This, my friend, is the absence of “The Healing Zone”.
The Healing Zone is a place you reach where your maximum healing potential is reached. I’ll give you a clue here, it’s not in the bathtub scrolling on your phone or with a facemask on in front of the TV. This zone is a specific place you’ll find during Acupuncture. There’s something about a treatment that will transport you to this zone of bliss. You’re relaxed, drifting, blissed out, but buzzing. You may see colors, patterns, or scenery in your mind. You may feel points open and released. You may get deep, restful sleep. There’s something so special about this state that allows deep changes to occur. Leaving this zone, you feel calm but energized. Vibrant but chill. You can absolutely feel the deep healing that has taken place on the table. The more often you can get in this zone, the better you’ll handle stress, disease, pain, and anything else life will throw at you.
What happens if you’re having trouble getting into this zone?
For those who have trouble, your nerve system has been on overdrive for so long, it doesn’t know how to slow down. I had this problem for quite a while. It took consistent treatments to finally slow down my nervous system and teach it that it’s okay to relax and not always be alert. Those who have been through traumatic experiences will have to be patient with themselves when starting treatment. We have to prove to your brain and body that you are safe before it will allow itself to fully relax.

Where else can you experience The Healing Zone?
The Healing Zone can be found in meditation, salt rooms, float therapy, light therapy, sound therapy, during bodywork, and anywhere else you’re able to relax. It may not be the exact same as your Acupuncture appointment, but these are still wonderful modalities to use and see how deep in the zone you can get.
How often do you need to be in The Healing Zone?
Everyone should work on bringing more rest and digest into their life on a daily basis for sure but the need for The Healing Zone depends on what ails you. If getting out of bed is a challenge due to mental or physical problems and you’re struggling with mental health or health symptoms every day, then you need to get to the zone at least 3 times a week to feel a significant shift. When you start to feel better, the frequency is lessened. Getting in this zone more upfront saves you years of mental health and physical healing challenges. I can’t think of a better investment of your time.
Enjoying the zone is for everybody. We all have things we need to work on. We all have a tremendous amount of stress. With mental health problems increasing, this is the perfect place to set yourself up for a beautiful future.